To begin the launch of the “Good neighbour scheme”, called KITE, on the 6th April 2017 a small fleet of kites led by a mixed group of enthusiasts and volunteers were raced up and down the common until they took off, caught the wind and successfully took flight!

This kite flying was a real hit with young and old alike, villagers and councillors alike! Professionals appeared and we all learned such a lot! Infect we believe a new hobby might well become a huge hit and you may well see more of this exciting pastime.

Coffee and biscuits were gratefully accepted by those taking part from Gwen Arnold and her hospitality.

We didn’t however forget the real reason we were there on the common – to raise awareness of the true purpose of KITE – Keeping In Touch with Everyone!!


On Friday 21st April at out monthly coffee morning in the village hall we held a presentation of the format of KITE and the way it works. Volunteers, co-ordinators and scouts were present as well as representatives from the local community support Police, GP practice nurse navigator and WISH.

Brochures were distributed and further explanations of KITE were given by Eric Hudson and Ros Plested with a concluding piece and blessing from Rev. Sian Harris.

Kite was launched and a very happy throng of people applauded. A £100 was raised from Muriel’s square board and Linda’s tom bola stall, this was donated to KITE at the end of the coffee morning launch.


On Monday 24th April, a group of KITE volunteers were invited to take part in the service of dedication and blessing of the new altar table, new dais at St Mary’s church, Tenbury Wells and St. Michaels Good Neighbour Scheme, KITE!

A lovely service was held, led by Bishop Alistair of Ludlow. After the blessing of the altar table and dais, KITE were invited up to be blessed which followed a short presentation of what its function and procedure is all about.

I think at long last, we have flown, launched and been blessed – so now we are OPEN and as we speak, can confirm we are already helping client no 6!! In our first week.

Please don’t be afraid to call and use us, so we don’t float around in orbit!