Well who was the Queen Bee of the fete? Was it the very flourishing plant stall with an array of extremely healthy flora and fauna? Was it the bric-a-brac stall with a not very appealing decluttering of household goods from all those downsizing and moving on this year? Amazing where the odd cup and saucer goes, the surge of china ornaments in varying degrees of hideousness but once someone’s treasure. Not sure who bought Stuart’s mothers fox furriers fur coat complete with red riding hood, but what a bargain, memories an all!
Was it the comical Dog show, well done and welcome to Hereford and Worcester animal rescue this year, most efficient in organisation and some very happy customers!
Was it the wonderful cake stall, groaning with cakes, scones and goodies heralded by Ann so exquisitely even though she was bravely nursing a wounded foot and broken arm. At the opposite end of this cake stall stood a large Minion cake, Liz had created and the family sold “name the minion”. The adjoining cakes, teas and scones stall was as ever most popular and those who sat and enjoyed the wonders of these refreshments were able to enjoy the even more popular Tenbury Town Band, who played and played, yes I think we could all have sat and watched the world go by, taking in the bands great atmosphere. The Scottish dancers were brilliant and you could feel the addiction of joining in, as to the Morris men of St Michaels, you would go a long way to beat them, that’s if you could catch them. Brilliant performance with appropriate musical accompaniment, Oh to be in ENGLAND.
So we had the ever refreshing bar with speciality Pimm’s, the ices, the games, skittles, enthusiastic welly wanging, pluck a duck, prize on a string, sweets in a jar and the ever popular Tombola. Some keen volunteers took part in games and races, everyone a winner for sheet plight. We welcomed out visiting vintage collection of cars and trucks. Prams which had been used in Downton Abbey with baby from Bridget Jones latest film were indeed a highlight in every way! A grand raffle took place with some interesting locally sourced prizes together with a wine raffle (amazing whose cupboards these bottles came out of). A unique collection of beautiful pigeons welcomed visitors as they turned into the drive and caused a lot of conversation and comments late into the day, together with the interest for young and old held on the most well organised “Bee display stall” where we bee…lieve there is more to come next year!
Our very brave little group of fancy dress entries whose mums had worked into the small hours to make costumes, were a delight and yes, I think our very youngest villager did steal the show and is already growing into the role of Queen Bee!!
Thank you to our hosts, Jonathan and Jane for providing such a venue and knowing the best times to stay in or come out! Thank you to all those who helped providing goods, prizes and gazebos. Thank you to all who manned a stall, helped carry and fetch, lift and erect, backs are not what they used to be. You were all brilliant and the visitors who came along to support were invaluable.
Hope you all enjoyed the village fete atmosphere, which reminds us “There will always be an England”