Whether the weather be good
whether the weather be bad
whether the weather, whatever the weather
whether it be good or bad!
And we did until it cam down in gentle stair rods!!
It was a different idea to hold the fete in the autumn and perhaps not a bad idea as we can all remember about 3 years ago when the wind and train travelled through the stalls taking them down one after another – and that was in June!
However we are of course most appreciative of Jane and Jonathan for their kindness in hosting the Autumn Fete and such a lovely touch in providing colourful apples for all the help themselves to and damsons to start the pies and gin off with!
Thank you to all the stall holders for their hard work in preparing their stalls and wares, collecting goods and produce and working hard afterwards clearing up.
We ere very appreciative of Tenbury Town Band, they provided such a lovely atmosphere playing some wonderful familiar tunes. The Scottish dancers for an excellent performance just before the rain. We know they put in extra time to rehearse for the day. We welcomed the Hereford and Worcester Animal Rescue who ran the dog show, there were some very well behaved and much loved dogs arriving down the drive and we believe most went home with a ‘rosette’ to cherish. We were grateful for all who cam for the fete and hope most were able to stay for the spectacular performance of Miss St Michaels – what a team and such hidden beauty – can’t think where they have all been hiding!
Most thanks go to all who helped arrange and organise the fete, produce posters, moved chairs and tables, crockery, man stalls, put up and down gazebos, marquees, signs and bunting and generally spent a lot of time, effort and energy. Well done. The fete made a profit of approx. £900 which helps the hall to run. Thank you all.