What a wonderful night this was, to warm a cold January night up, enjoy a traditional Scottish meal, watch or take part in excellent Scottish dancing and feel the glow of the warm busy atmosphere and the whisky galore!
The day began early with much hard work from the group who prepared the room and cooked the meal. Thankyou to Jane, Pat Cherry, Pam, Chris, Elaine, Carolyn and Ros. Eddie, Paul, Rod, Geoff, Robin were excellent shiftas.
Mark Raybould was an excellent Master of Ceremonies, lovely kilt. Annie was most impressive on the bagpipes and Ganin most enthusiastic on addressing the haggis, complete with authentic accent. Thank you to you all, not forgetting a special address to the ladies again from Ken and excellent display from the Scottish dancers.
A most enjoyable evening, well planned, well supported by you all and another well remembered evening together.
Well done!