May Update

Dedication of the pond

Thank-you to you all for coming along to enjoy another great skittles night on 22nd April. Everyone who attended enjoyed a few goes and then the chance to win killer. Vernon undoubtedly is king of killer! With Danny a close second!
Many thanks to all who helped and organised the night; to Vernon and his team for erecting the alley, Mary and hers for scoring and Di and her team for providing lovely bangers and mash half way through. A great night all round!
If you wish to book or hire this marvellous alley for your private party or a fundraising event please get in touch with Vernon  or any committee member.

Coronation weekend

Service around the pond
One of the areas that our new King Charles III has a special interest in is the green canopy of England! Therefore we have taken this coronation year to focus on our own millennium pond area, and develop this area of natural beauty.
In the past two years we have received help and interest from Natural Networks, Malvern Hills who have visited and suggested ways  to enhance the pond area, including the flora, fauna and wilding. From their advice we then engaged Biosphere Organics, a local team, to clear much of the pond and the surrounding. They also installed bat boxes, bird boxes and bee posts, together with an information board.
Each year we hope to maintain approx 25% of the pond area within a rolling programme in order to keep this area a significant area of beauty for passing walkers, cyclists and of course the local wildlife!

During the service we dedicated the pond area:
“This is for all with the special occasion of this coronation of Our King,we hope you will enjoy this area— and in doing so we dedicate this blessed area to our community for enjoyment and memories to be nurtured!
 Thank-you all for coming along.

Coronation Tea
A glorious tea was held on Sunday 7th May to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. 80 lovely people sat down to tea dressed in red, white and blue, they all looked lovely and the smiles and laughter went well with the surroundings. Sandwiches, cakes, scones, jam and cream were abundant, all prepared by volunteers and served and prepared by the village affairs group. We listened to our King’s playlist and watched wonderful slides of the coronation, enjoyed a raffle and learned a bit more about Charles and Camilla in a quiz.

King Charles especially wanted people from all walks of life and volunteers at his coronation. Some of us are fortunate to have remembered the Queen’s coronation 70 years ago! Have our values of life changed much? People are the most important feature and therefore each and everyone of us is valued.We are all volunteers of some sort and help make communities survive and thrive.
Therefore the tea on Sunday was held for friends and community, to gather together in celebration of our King and celebrate his coronation.
Secondly the tea was to raise funds in order to keep a rolling programme of maintenance for our wildlife pond area for the future to enjoy.Thank-you for your support.

Future events

OPEN GARDENS—3rd and 4th June—12 till 5pm

We look forward to welcoming you to st Michael’s Open Gardens, parking, teas and lots of interesting gardens to visit.

Midsummer Madness supper /dance—8th July,

Thankyou for your continued support!
Ros Plested