Dear St. Michaels,

Firstly, we have welcomed many newcomers to our village this year. It’s amazing how many of you have moved in and are now enjoying getting straight and growing into our community! Hurray and welcome! (Please let us know if you haven’t received a welcome pack?)

Summer, (says she enjoying a sea view in North Wales through the latest heavy rain cloud burst)’ has been quiet in our village. We have been taking a short break, but been busy refurbishing the kitchen and a few other maintenance jobs while giving the committee a petit vacance!

However we did entertain the Tenbury twinning group last weekend from Pont du Casse. After a weekend of activities and hosting we ended up in the village hall for a lovely meal and soiree with over 70 very jolly French and English friends. We hope to see them in 2025 and renew friendships.

Coffee mornings continue to flourish, we welcome you all on 3rd Friday of the month, this week will be 18th August. You will be welcomed with delicious cakes and now proper coffee from our new machine.

Our weekly activities continue with a few new ones, do feel free to try them out and tell others!

Monday; Art class 10.30-12.30am
              Creative writing/poetry is starting on 11th sept,2.30-4.30pm (fortnightly)
              Tai Chi 5.30-6.30pm

Tuesday; Total fitness 9.45-10.45am
                Village singers 7.30-9.30pm

Wednesday: Mums and Tots 9.30-11.30am
                       Scottish dancing7.30-9.30pm
Thursday: Zumba 10.00-11.00am
                 Chair based exercise 3.15-4.00pm(fortnightly starting 14th Sept)
                 Gentle Pilates 4.30-5.30pm (fortnightly starting 14th sept)

Our monthly activities continue;

                  Floral Arts:  2.00-4.00pm (3rd Wed in month)

                  Gardeners group:  7.30-9.30pm(2nd Wed in the month)

                   Women Institute: 2.00-4.30 (1st Thurs in the month)

                   Readers group: (3rd Mon in the month)

Dates for your diary!

QUIZ NIGHT—Friday 15th September 7.30pm, Tables of 4/5. £5 a head to include light refreshments.
Please let committee members know asap

VARIETY NIGHT—Saturday 21st October 7.30pm Tickets £8 from committee members
A wide variety of acts! Some local and some a distance, all brilliant and guaranteed to give you an excellent night!

CEILIDH—Saturday 18thNovember      

Please let us know if you are requiring any help with activities and dates, we hope there is plenty for all! Meanwhile I’ m putting on my sou’wester and going on the beach to finish summer!
Take care and thankyou for your continued support.

Ros and Village Hall Committee