To those interested in the planning permission appeal for 25 lodges at Cadmore: If you wish to make further written comments concerning the appeal, or modify/withdraw your previous representation, you MUST DO SO by 5th July 2022.You can comment by going onto the planning inspectorate portal or by emailing
Or you can send three copies to:
The Planning Inspectorate,
3C,Temple Quay House,
2 The SquareTemple Quay,
Bristol BS1 6PN
In all emails or correspondence, please quote the Planning Inspectorate reference number: APP/J1860/W/21/327333 and the Local Authority reference: 20/01034/OUT
The appeal hearing is on Tuesday July 25th at 10am. You can go in person or join a zoom type link. We are sending 2 representatives to read a statement, one from Berrington Green residents (Richard Connolly) and one from the general area (Simon Wallace). If you have any comments that should be brought up in these statements please email them to me asap.
But don’t miss the deadline of next Tuesday 5th July to send in your comments.