Village Hall Update

Following our busy Platinum celebrations, we have continued to have a reasonably quiet time as far as village events go! However Summer always seems to take care of itself and we all need time in our gardens, homes and catching up with visits at home and abroad.

Our summer has been a relatively good one extreme heat and outside living. Our recent village hall meeting brought forward many ideas for events and projects within the village most in the planning scheme.

Our weekly events:

  • Monday — Art group a.m.
  • Tuesday — Fitness a.m., St. Michaels singers p.m.
  • Wednesday — Mums and Tots a.m., Scottish dancing p.m.
  • Thursday — Zumba a.m., Social dancing p.m.

Our monthly events:

  • Monday — Tenbury Floral Art group p.m.
  • Wednesday — Tenbury Gardening club p.m.
  • Thursday — St. Michaels Women’s Institute p.m.
  • Friday — Coffee morning a.m.

Please let us know if you would like more information on any of these activities and we will put you in touch with the organiser or visit the ‘What’s On’ page on our website.

The village hall has a planned programme well into 2023 starting with a Quiz Night on 16th September. Tables of 4/5, please book your table, £5 a head to include light refreshments.

  • 23rd September — An Autumn walk
  • 22nd October — Variety Night, some excellent performers for your entertainment! Tickets-£10 a head to include a ploughman’s
  • 4th November — Skittles night, £10 a head to include Sausage and mash
  • 18th November — Annual General meeting, to include a curry
  • 3rd December — Light festival
  • 10th December — Carol service and village Xmas meal
  • 15th and 16th December — Christmas Crackers by St Michaels Singers
  • 31st December — New Years eve party
  • 1st January — New Years day walk and shared lunch
  • 31st March — Live and local
  • 3rd and 4th June — OPEN gardens weekend
  • 1st July — Midsomer Madness Dinner/Dance

With autumn and winter approaching and the threat of high prices of fuel and food, let us know if you have any ideas where we can share warm spaces together and any ideas you have with sharing space and time and saving a few pennies, in doing so avoiding isolation and loneliness! Thankyou!!

Village Hall committee